This is an old story, happened on the 2nd of Jan. But it is worth adding in. I drunk ran infront of me on the high-way and I hit him. Lucky I was going slowly (about 40-50km/h) and hit the braks before, so no broken bones, but it was still an adventure. I ended up at the police station waiting for the hospital to say in what shape the guy was in. When they called the supervisor on the station came in to tell the cop on my case that he was very bad off. And that he could be in the hospital for more then 15 days or lose his life. If this were that case I would have to be in Jail over night until the majestrait was in the next day. But if I gave him 1000 pesos (about $100, more then a weeks wage for him) then I could go. Long story short, the guy was let go that night, but the hospital was also dishonest and wouldn't give proof of a paid bill (that could be changed to the insurance) so we paid the bribe and went home.
Its not that they want cash, but it is the abuse of athority and general scare tactics that gets me. I do belive that it will come back around on them. Socity can not progress if the enforcers of the law do not lead by example. The picture above has in the center the supervisor who came in and started talking shit. (with teh baseball hat.)