Most scientists and science institutes have a general lacking of literature and communication skills. Personally I group all this into design. I well done experiment needs to be designed in a way that not only is information about nature observed and described, but that this knowledge is successfully coupled into the culture in general.
If a scientist discovers something in the woods, but no one hears about it, was it really found? From the point of view of the society and culture, no. Science is by definition a culture phenomenon. What one person can discover is almost irrelevant, but when the work of a group is combined, then science becomes powerful. In my thesis there are a great number of equations, most of which I would take a lifetime to derive and test myself, but because the work was performed and successfully shared, I could use that work to support my own.
Here is a list of 10 writing tips for scientists. There are many more words of wisdom on the inter-web. But this list covers some of the most important aspects.
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