Starting a hacker space in Ensenada would be an interesting addition to the city with its collection of scientists and artists. Featured today on Boing Boing a video on hacker spaces.
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Environmentally aware design
Starting a hacker space in Ensenada would be an interesting addition to the city with its collection of scientists and artists. Featured today on Boing Boing a video on hacker spaces.
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In my current pursuit for a new bike (which I hope to make as shown in a previous post) I found a great collapsible bike for $700 USD, with the possible addition of electrical assist, this makes for a great idea for traveling! I hope to use a python style bike, but a lesson can be taken from their design and style which I would be glad to ride. This bike doesn't look at all crappy like many other models; I think bikers tend to be very vain (you have to be to wear spandex and shave your legs.. )
I've been away visiting family, but in the past week grupo prociclovia made it into the news!
I got a lot of riding on the bike trails in Toronto, which are under supported by the city there, but still rock in comparison to what is here in Baja! ( I should also note that Toronto put them in back in the 70-80's when the city wasn't much bigger then Ensenada is now!
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From, images of fast food drinks with sugar cubes representing the amount of sugar it contains. Kinda makes you want it that much less....
via BoingBoing
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Bibayoff, my favorite Russian-Mexican vineyard in the Valley is bringing a Spanish tradition to the Guadalupe valley. I'm hoping on going!!
29 de Mayo del 2009 // Fecha: 29 de Mayo 2009
Hora: 5:00pm
Actividad: Cena y Campamento Medieval.
Precio: $400 pesos preventa $500 el dia del evento
Fecha: 30 de Mayo 2009
Hora: 1:00pm
Actividad: Tomatina Medieval!
Precio: $400 pesos preventa $500 el dia del evento
Precio ambos dias: $700 pesos
Mas información:
Vinifera Enoteca & Wine bar, Av. Ruíz esquina Reyerson 37-b Centro tel:(646) 178.77.70
Nextel: 152*153960*3 y 152*153960*4
Rest. Uno Tijuana Tel.664 681 32 03 y 152.202290.3
via Vino Club
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An impressive design from Speed Studio Design, from the quick folding design to the ratcheting drive train.
Similar to the bike by Linearc
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Apparently white tea helps to burn and keep off fat. Interesting. I tried white tea for the first time this year. It is like a mild green tea. Very nice. In Hogaza Hogaza you can by the white tea by Cha'nte; I think I'll start drinking more!
Possible anti-obesity effects of white tea have been demonstrated in a series of experiments on human fat cells (adipocytes). Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access journal Nutrition and Metabolism have shown that an extract of the herbal brew effectively inhibits the generation of new adipocytes and stimulates fat mobilization from mature fat cells.
via EurekAlert! photo via SunnyCanuck on Flickr
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