Monday, May 15, 2006

one more reply to my mother

Hi Mom

I do not get mad at those little pieces, I just feel that I would be doing a diservice if I let it go with outbeing challenged. The problem is that the way of speaking presented makes everything seem so simple and eaisly understood if not challenged. It is cruel to say that a woman who challenged prayer in school was killed because god stoped protecting her. It is a complete misuse of blame to say that the people died in New Orleans because it was a sinful city and not that their government had left them to die becuse of their lack of wealth and colour of their skin.

If anyone else had sent me that letter I would have deleated it before the end of the second pharagraph, but since it was from you, I read it, and tried to understand what it had to say. And then I wanted you to see my reaction to it. I think you are a thoughtful person and are interested in seeing the different aspects of life.

I do see why people feel the need for religion, but I also want to share the danger in this train of thought. I dislike religion and think it is dangerious. I want to present chanllenges to this apperently good way of thinking.I am a scientist, and I will believe what I see, and can prove. This is in contradicitionto what I want to see and want to have happen. This is a very difficult thing to do, and it makes the world a much less understood place. But I will then be in step with all other people who want to see the 'matter of fact' truth.

I see the world on an edge where science is answering more and more questions. Evolution, nueral science, physics, they are putting to rest most of the religious docturne. The first world is moving away from the need of religion. The religions are making all the strides they can to recapture the populace, even at the determent of the people. With wars, famine and hatred rapent. I hope the with my generation we can help to move to a more enlightned society, but I belive that the understanding of science, and the questioning nature of the mind must be preserved and encouraged.

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