Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Nomadness; reencountering Steve Roberts and the BEHEMOTH

For one year when I was in gradeschool I had a subscription to Bicycle Magazine. One story that cought my attention was of the human/solar powered BEHEMOTH bicycle. Almost a nomadic office on wheels, the bike had heads-up display, touch-typing through keys in the hand grips, wireless connection, and electric asist for the bike. This idea was given a sci-fi twist in the short story near-futur world in Metatrapolis.

While surfing a form for arduino projects, I ran across a post by Steve Roberts who continues in his quest for "playing NASA" which can be followed on  his blog where he has moved to a salling ship for his nomadic funness.

I was there looking for an opensource datalogger. Something that can be placed outside and take temperature, RH, dew point for several weeks and be easily plotted on computer. I'm considering combining with a small stepper motor controlled heliostat with potovotalic to both measure solar intensity and keep the system charged.

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