I'm moving to a shorter blog style. If I can figure out how to add in my "share" links from google reader I will.
We're in the middle of Vendimia 2008 in Ensenada. The offical site is here. Last night was TauroVinoMaquina in Santo Tomas (their 120 year anniversary.) Good event, I really dislike bull fights, there is something truly cowardice about 4 men with swords teasing and stabbing a bull until it is exhausted, and then killing it, while a crowd cheers. Santo Tomas has a beautiful ranch, and the drive (after the city ends) is very nice.
Today is "Ensenada Viste de Vino" on Ruiz. This is a CANIRAC event (same group that does the mushroom festival) so it should be well run, and great food! Hogza Hogaza will be there with sweets and fresh bread!
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