Friday, April 10, 2009

Learning HTML and CSS

I've been meaning for year to learn how to make my own web pages, but it has just not been that important yet. When I first made the Hogaza Hogaza web page I did it with iWeb. This was... ok.. but not very powerful, and when iWeb 2 came out, I could not modify the old web page. So I got my hands on Dreamweaver, but never really understood what was going on. I also started playing with flash, but did not get too far (I wanted to make presentations and cartoons).

Finally I have some time and I was shown a great trick on how to use photoshop to export to Dreamweaver. Hopefully I'll combine that with a sliding effect done through jQuery, but this is all done in the code, so I needed to at least learn the basics.

I found a great tutorial on HTML. I feel much more confident, and also finally understand what CSS is!

Powered by Qumana


María said...

O también puedes instalar wordpress y customizar los themes, eso te ahorra muchas broncas jeje.

Huevosgrandes said...

you could.. but brining in java and flash would be difficult. And for doing a full website, I've found that being restricted to themes was a pain in the ass. But I've never used wordpress.. I'll check it out..